(English below) 写真家で海洋教育者のヴァネッサ・プリゴリーニが脚本・監督・制作し、俳優のTAOがナレーションを担当し、ANIMAL HEROES が提供する「コントラスト」が、世界で最もイルカを使った娯楽施設の多い5カ国のうちの1つ、日本で公開。



 Japan has an estimated of 70 dolphinariums and aproximately more than 600 dolphins in captivity, which is more than any other country. 

Every year in Taiji, Japan, there’s a hunt which lasts 6 months, operated by the Isana Fishermen’s Association, where they can catch thousands of dolphins from different  species that the Japanese government permits to be killed or captured. For the 2021-2022 season, the government allowed a quota of 1,849 dolphins to be killed or captured.

Many of the dolphins caught in Taiji are sold to marine parks and dolphinariums in several countries, but mainly in Japan and China.

In the country with more dolphinariums/aquariums in the world, ANIMAL HEROES presents CONTRASTS, written, directed and produced by photographer and marine educator Vanessa Prigollini and narrated by actress Tao.

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