Orcas and dolphins are highly intelligent animals, probably the most intelligent in the planet, and for that reason they have been captured and forced to live in captivity for human entertainment.  

In one of the 5 countries with more dolphinariums/aquariums in the world, ANIMAL HEROES presents CONTRASTS, written, directed and produced by photographer and marine educator Vanessa Prigollini and narrated by science communicator Leonora Milán.   

CONTRASTS is a short film were several photographers and organizations from around the world collaborated to show the contrasts of the life of dolphins and whales in the wild and in captivity  with amazing aearial, underwater and on surface footage and very touching music.  

The film is 15 minutes long and has never-seen-before footage of Keiko, the orca who was the star of the movie “Free Willy” and who lived in Mexico for a decade before being released into the wild.

 The 5 countries with more dolphinariums in the world are Japan, China, United States, Mexico and Russia.

In Mexico, where there are more than 320 dolphins in captivity, ANIMAL HEROES fights to end their reproduction in order to make this the last generation of dolphins in captivity in Mexico.  

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